Saturday, April 20, 2024

100 x 100 Mahmood's Most Perfect Math Magic Square

100 x 100 Mahmood's Most Perfect Math Magic Square is a square grid containing the numbers 1 to 10000 in such a way that the sum of each row, column, and diagonal has the same "magic total "of 500050 and there are 625 magic squares of 4x4 grid, which are to become a complete and comprehensive magic squares in every way. 

 I have given below twelve different patterns in which the combinations of numbers creates a specific design. Apply one of these 12 patterns to all 625 groups of 4x4 magic square, the results will be exactly the same. The beauty of the magic squares I have created that these twelve patterns show the same result in all of them. 

26x26 Mahmood's Math Magic Square

  Finding the pattern is  definitely a challenge

14x14 Math Magic Square

  Finding the pattern is  definitely a challenge

22x22 Math Magic Square

  Finding the tour is  definitely a challenge

Monday, April 15, 2024

52x52 Most Perfect Math Magic Square

 The math magic of big numbers can be easily visualized by saving them as images.

The math magic I create is complete and comprehensive. I can say with conviction that in the history of Math calculation there hasn’t been a magic square more perfect or complete than my  math magic squares, In which numbers are in sequence.