Lo Shu grid (4000 years old) is a magic of numbers in which the pattern is in such a way that it is made in a square. Here this pattern will be adopted in a circle instead of a square and it will be seen that the dots made by the creator on the tortoise shell for humans are not just a game of addition and subtraction of numbers, but a number in the center which is the nucleus. Which, by crossing it, shows two numbers around it which are twice the ratio of the central number. It arranges in such a way that it shows a very good magical result of balance. To understand it properly, the Lo Shu grid pattern has been made in 7x7 magic square and the results are shown below.
In the first picture, the magic square of seven is made on the numbers 1 to 49 on the Lo Shu grid pattern. If 25 is considered as 1, then all the numbers around it will be divided by 25 and its average will be calculated.
In the second picture, 25 has been converted to 1 and the numbers around it have been changed in the ratio according to 25. Just like 49 has been converted to 1.96 and 1 has been converted to 0.04. Similarly, the average of all the numbers has been taken. Thus, this magic square is a complete magic square with a total of 7 by taking the average of 1 and 2. These numbers have been displayed in three groups of boxes in three colors. Since the pair of two numbers each color box pass through the central number 1 and form a pair of totals of 2. A combination of numbers attached with the center to bound each other in every circle, and are likely to revolve in their orbits.
This is further clarified in the third picture. In the first
square, the number of numbers A1 to M1 is 12, which together with A2 to M2
complete their total of 2.
In the second square, the number of numbers N1 to U1 is 8,
which together with N2 to U2 make a total of 2.
Similarly, in the third square, the number of numbers W1 to
Z1 is 4, which together with W2 to Z2 make a total of 2.
And in the middle is the central number 1, which is the
nucleus of all of them, through which all complete their balance.
In the fourth picture, the same square has been made in a
circle in such a way that they appear in the form of circles of different sizes
according to the ratio of 1 and 2.
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