The creator created creation in a specific pattern. As I saw for the first time in October 2018 the
magic square of 3x3 on the turtle's back, a world opened in me and I exposed the world to the reality of the magic
square. Yesterday
I watched a video in which a Cheetah running was filmed in slow motion. As I
contemplated the combination of his fore and hind feet motion, I saw a pattern
in him, for in each pattern I consider the creation of the Creator to be
complete and inclusive. It is this belief that has gifted me with unique ideas
in the world of Math Magic. Here I am sharing two of my most perfect math magic
4x4 which I made in 2018 and recently created Cheeta’s Running pattern in 4x4
Magic Squares with Albert and Chautisa Yantra math magic examples Those who are interested
in Math Magic can understand these magic square tours (Pattern). I will now
start creating magic squares which can be divided by four on the Cheetah
pattern, which I will continue to share here along the way.