Thursday, June 22, 2023

Cheetah Running Pattern (8x8) Most Perfect Math Magic

 The creator created creation in a specific pattern. As I saw for the first time in October 2018 the magic square of 3x3 on the turtle's back, a world opened in me and I exposed the world to the reality of the magic square. Yesterday I watched a video in which a Cheetah running was filmed in slow motion. As I contemplated the combination of his fore and hind feet motion, I saw a pattern in him, for in each pattern I consider the creation of the Creator to be complete and inclusive. It is this belief that has gifted me with unique ideas in the world of Math Magic. Here I am sharing two of my most perfect math magic 4x4 which I made in 2018 and recently created Cheeta’s Running pattern in 4x4 Magic Squares with Albert and Chautisa Yantra math magic examples Those who are interested in Math Magic can understand these magic square tours (Pattern). I will now start creating magic squares which can be divided by four on the Cheetah pattern, which I will continue to share here along the way.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

8x8 Double Math Magic

 The math magic I create is complete and comprehensive. This is Double 8x8 & 8x8 math magic in which numbers are in sequence from 1 to 128 The sum of eight numbers in every color is 516. 8x8 Math Magic separately shown in these pictures are horizontally vertically and diagonally are complete math magic. 8x8 Math Magic separately shown in these pictures are separately grouped into four numbers having a total of 258. 8x8 & 8x8 are shown as combined groups of each color having a total sum of 516. In the picture, both math magic numbers (black & red ) are combined and the total sum of 8 numbers of each color has the sum of 516.

Most Perfect Math Magic 16x16


Tuesday, June 13, 2023

1 to 80 Numbers Math Magic (4x4) - Completely new and unique Math Magic

 In this math magic, numbers are in sequence from 1 to 80. 
Four rows and four columns containing 12, 12 numbers have the same sum of 422.
 Sixteen numbers are commonly used in rows and columns is also a magic square in which each row, column, and diagonal have the same sum.
In the magic of this math, the same sequence of numbers holds a total of 810 differently. Four groups of 20, 20 numbers have been formed.
Each Group has a total of 810.
This is a completely new and unique Math Magic in which the numbers are in a different style.

1 to 80 Numbers Math Magic (4x4) - Completely new and unique Math Magic

 In this math magic, numbers are in sequence from 1 to 80. 
Four rows and four columns containing 12, 12 numbers have the same sum of 486.
 Sixteen numbers are commonly used in rows and columns is also a magic square in which each row, column, and diagonal have the same sum.
In the magic of this math, the same sequence of numbers holds a total of 810 differently. Four groups of 20, 20 numbers have been formed.
Each Group has a total of 810.
This is a completely new and unique Math Magic in which the numbers are in a different style.

1 to 80 Numbers Math Magic (4x4) - Completely new and unique Math Magic

 In this math magic, numbers are in sequence from 1 to 80. 
Four rows and four columns containing 12, 12 numbers have the same sum of 550.
 Sixteen numbers are commonly used in rows and columns is also a magic square in which each row, column, and diagonal have the same sum.
In the magic of this math, the same sequence of numbers holds a total of 810 differently. Four groups of 20, 20 numbers have been formed.
Each Group has a total of 810.
This is a completely new and unique Math Magic in which the numbers are in a different style.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

1000x1000 Mahmood's Most Perfect Math Magic Square Excel Sheet with Google Drive Download Link

  The biggest magic square I've ever built is a 1000x1000 Most Perfect Math Magic Square, In which the sums of the numbers in each row, each column, and both main diagonals are the same 500,000,500. In which 1 to 1,000,000 numbers are used in a sequence. I have used a special formula in making it in which 16 numbers are also combined into groups of 4x4 grid and the total number of 4x4 grids are 62500. It is not possible to graph this magic square so I kept it in Excel to keep the numbers easy to access.1000x1000 Most perfect math magic square is explained in the same excel sheet (Test Pattern 4x4 Grid).

(1) Test Pattern 4x4 Grid

 All 62500 (4x4 grid) of 8-8 numbers have the same sum

(2) Test Pattern 4x4 Grid

 Minus any 4x4 grid from another 4x4 grid, the result will become (0) zero

(3) Test Pattern 4x4 Grid

 Apply any  4x4 grid the results of patterns 1 to 12  will be ZERO - 0 

Google Drive Link to Download Excel Sheet

Saturday, October 1, 2022

1 to 80 Numbers Math Magic (4x4) - Completely new and unique Math Magic

In this math magic, numbers are in sequence from 1 to 80. Four rows and four columns containing 12, 12 numbers have the same sum of 422.  This is a completely new and unique Math Magic in which the numbers are in a different style. Sixteen numbers are commonly used in rows and columns is also a magic square in which each row, column, and diagonal have the same sum.