This is a completely new and unique Math Magic in which the numbers are in a unique style. In this math magic, numbers are in sequence from 1 to 256.
Vertically and Horizontally 16 numbers in each color contain the same sum of 2056.
The same numbers are grouped separately into sixteen groups of 20 numbers, having the same total of 2056. Four groups of four numbers are made in each color which consists of twenty numbers, making 2056 in each group.
The same numbers are again grouped separately into sixteen groups of 20 numbers, having the same total of 2056. In this case, Eight numbers from two different groups make a total of 2056.
The same numbers are once again regrouped separately into new sixteen groups of 20 numbers, having the same total of 2056. In this case, Four numbers from four different color groups make a total of 2056.